Dr. Amy Mallett has been composing and performing music since childhood, taking musical influences from jazz, folk, rock and classical styles. Her work is often inspired by contemporary and historical stories. She enjoys interdisciplinary approaches, and collaborates with practitioners from other art forms to create multidimensional works.
Amy lives in Suffolk where she works as an arts consultant, composer and educator. She is founder and director of COHERE Professional Development, a training consultancy that takes concepts and techniques from the arts into business and organisational training.
Passionate about arts engagement, Amy worked for 4 years as Associate Musician for English National Ballet’s Dance For Parkinsons programme and now runs Sing to Beat Parkinson’s East Suffolk, a singing and vocal group for people living with Parkinson’s. She is Musical Director for Unscene Suffolk, a theatre company for adults with visual impairment, and their spin-off choir, the Unscene Singers.